This page is dedicated primarily to the those spiritual paths based upon worship or reverance towards the Earth. These ways have called to something deep within their souls.
Welcome! people are on spiritual journey since 01/10/98. This is a work in progress, as I myself am. It expands as my heart and soul (and knowledge and time) does. Latest Update 03/07/98.
Native American |
Wicca |
Metista |
The religion of Wicca is a religion based upon a belief in a God and Goddess and it is a nature/earth based tradition. There are various traditions within the religion Wicca. Another term used to describe a Wiccan is "Witch" but this religion is not to be confused with Satanism which is a whole different thing. The Wiccan does not believe in the Christian concept of God so conversely cannot believe in Christianity's conceptualization of personified evil. The Wiccan rede (or golden rule) is that whatever you do comes back to you times three.
Animism is the belief that animals have spirits and help to guide us through life. Power animals are animal spirits that come to you and stay near you to help guide you on your journey of life. Your Totem Animal is the power animal that you are born with and it stays with you all your life. Some say you should not tell anyone else what your power animal or animals are and some say it doesn't matter. Here is some information I've found about them.