MOON/MAGIC (Poem #74) Underneath a crescent moon a pied piper plays a tune slowly he calls all unaware to lightly, gently, quickly ensnare the hearts and the souls everywhere of those who do not, will not beware his magic is piped into the air on the light of the moon, cold and bare so dance to the beat, if you dare but be careful to take no more than your share as the pied paper plays his magical tune underneath a crescent moon Written 04-12-91;11-03-93 ©1993
TRAVELLING (Poem #79) kaleidoscope colors spinning around whenever i'd close my eyes whirling and swirling all around pushing me deeper inside like a curtain of flame or a tunnel of dreams where it may be all that i wish but not all that it seems falling deeper and deeper while reality loses control but without losing anything of my self or my soul travelling upward to worlds full of childish surprise dreaming of my friend with the startling blue eyes was any of this real or was it just an illusion brought on by the childish delight of confusion why can i no longer go where the child used to fly why can't i tap into that wonderful world hidden inside did i grow up and grow out of some wonderful gift or did something inside of me shift now the colors are harder to see it's mostly black and white why can i only go so far and no further into my wondrous night written 11-23-93; 02-25-94 ©1993
REVELATIONS (Poem # 82) The whole idea of Revelation is scary but the different interpretations make me wary Is it the end of the world that we'll see or the end of the current perversion of Christianity? The supposed time frame seems to be becoming a reality which means it may come at the end of this century. Will everything come to a head with all of the violent confrontations or will it continue on this current path of human stagnation? Am I a Christian if I don't believe in their religious creeds even though I do try to live up to Christ's spiritual philosophies? So what does Revelation and the Christian "rapture" mean to me? And where exactly will all of the world's other religions be? Will we see a move toward a new spirituality that encompasses all the world's religious philosophy? Will it all end with violence, war, and bloody conflagrations? Or will it be a chance for a new, higher spiritual destination? So which interpretation am I suppose to believe? If it's not the same as yours am I supposedly being deceived? And if Revelation is inevitable is it worth the effort to succeed? Should we try to fight the end or even feel there is a need? After all of this discussion does anyone really know what's going to be or is everyone still as confused about Revelation as me? written 03-15-94 ©1994
UNTITLED (Poem #90) silvery lines stretched out through the night mean travellers are roaming just out of sight and what the mind can't see the soul can perceive just like artists and mystics dreams do conceive that the beauty of man is not like a dove, and has nothing to do with whats below or above or with that elusive thing some call the soul or the entire sum of the parts of the whole but with man's ability to think and to dream and to feel with his being things that are unseen like imagination from the precious mind of a child with the ability to let their dreamtime run wild and the knowledge that they can always come home no matter where their thoughts or spirits may roam Written 04-05-95 ©1995
CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT (Poem #95) when the sun goes down at the end of the day then the time of the moon is not too far away and the children of the night come out to play not the demons or devils you probably expect but mystical creatures the moon must protect whose shadows and souls by light don't reflect you'll probably never see them unless they insist but warmth on your skin means you've been kissed because light hearted teasing they just can't resist they dance and they skip in the sky, on the ground any dustdevils you see might mean they're around they're so light on their feet you won't here a sound they protect and delight in the innocence of youth but as natural beings there manners are a bit uncouth for the human beings they are always trying to soothe Written 02-24-95 ©1995
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