This page is all my thoughts and ramblings of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Come on in, look around take what rings true to your soul, learn from it, and let the rest go. Enjoy!
are on spiritual journey since 01/10/98.
This is a work in progress, as I myself am.
Latest Update 03/14/98. Check back often -
my insights come in leaps and bounds.
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Background by CyberSpace Place
Now people, these are just my own personal rantings and ravings. If you agree, then you're a very aware and intelligent person (kidding!), but if you don't I hope they at least make you think about things more deeply. If they do then I've achieved my goal and am happy in the knowledge that I'm sharing them with you. People have told me that I should write a book, but if I did then I'd have to charge you for it! I happen to be one of those people that think we are being given wisdom from higher sources to share with other humans, not for personal gain but for the benefit of all humanity. Each individual must make their own choice of how they use their gifts given to them by their God/Creator/Great Spirit, etc. This is how I choose to use one of mine.
Angels/Guides |
I recently re-watched the movie "Prophecy" with Eric Stoltz (Daniel?) and Christopher Walken (Gabriel), and it made me wonder about the nature and purpose of angels/guardian angels/spirit guides, etc. I've always felt like I have one watching over me because I always seem to get what I need (not necessarily what I want) and even the most terrible of circumstances in my life have turned out to be either for the best or a learning experience that I needed for personal growth. Do they only appear when humanity needs them or are they a figment of our own hopes and fears? Are they the spirits of great people who have gone before or a whole other species? Makes for some interesting conversations. I've just watched Prophecy II and it makes some very good points about free will and "angelic intervention". I also have a book called "A Dictionary of Angels" and it's fun to look up the names as I come across them. |
The Nature of God |
First of all, who's God? I personally believe that all of them are the same - just different aspects. In some religions it's a he and in some it's a she, and if we were all made in God's image - was it the physical image or spiritual image? (I prefer spiritual.) In some religions God/dess is cruel, in some God/dess is loving/kind, etc., in some God/dess is sexual, and in some God/dess is pure, virgin, chaste, asexual, etc. What if God/dess is on a path of enlightenment like we are and has moved on to a new spiritual realm - how would that affect us humans? I read an analogy that was interesting - just like atoms make up the substance of which humans are made - what if humans are the atoms of the universe, and our universe is simply one of God's atoms? Could God possibly be only a small part of something even larger that our human mind's cannot even comprehend at this level of our evolution? |
The End of the Millennium |
Although most people think it takes place in the year 2000, it's actually 01/01/2001. The year 2000 is the last year of the current millennium. What exactly does this mean for humanity - armageddon, a new spiritual awakening, or just another New Year's Eve Party? Do we believe in all of the various prophecies and if so, then whose? And if everyone is so afraid of the year 2000, will we inadvertently bring the prophecies down on ourselves through our own foolishness thereby self-fulfilling something that had no real basis in fact? I don't know about you, but it scares the heebie jeebies out of me! |
The Nature of Spirituality |
May the Force be with you! That's sort of how I think of spirituality. I believe that the essence of spirituality (the soul) is the same essence that makes up everything in the universe. And that we are all truly tied to each other and everything on our planet through this essence. That's why every time one animal species becomes endangered, it upsets the balance of nature (example- when the wolf population becomes endangered there's an overrun of the deer population, etc.) and too many imbalances could endanger our species - human! I think when Jesus said we all had God in us, this is what he was talking about. The same with "the light" some religions believe in. It's that portion of us that can access God, the Ultimate Being, or whatever it is you believe in, this is what guides us towards spiritual perfection. |
Psychic Powers |
I think psychic powers are just a part of the essence of the above mentioned spirituality and that all humans are capable of these powers, we just can't access them for one reason or another. Sort of like radio waves - you have to be tuned into the right frequency to pick up the waves. Healing, miracles, telekinesis, telepathy are all a part of this ability. We know we only use about 10-20% of the brain's capacity at this level of human existence. Maybe those people that have these powers can access a portion of the brain that those who don't have these powers can't - at least not yet. |
Good vs. Evil |
I think perfection is about balance, and that power is in and of itself neither good nor evil - it's how you use it that determines it's essence. I think all humans have the capacity for both, but it's the choices we make each day that determine which path we take. And how exactly do we determine what is good and what is evil - it seems each religion, culture, sub-culture, etc. has it's own definitions. I prefer to think in the terms of positive and negative since each thing in existence has it's polar opposite. I think as long as we strive for the positive while accepting that the negative exists within each of us, we're on the right path. |
The Nature of Nature |
Sometimes it can be beautiful and peaceful; other times cold and cruel. Whether you believe the workings of nature come from your God or are just a natural part of the Earth - you do have to respect the power of Nature. I think we have taken Nature for granted for much too long and it's beginning to show. Our waters are becoming polluted, man-made dams, levies, river systems, etc. are eroding and breaking down because nature has a way of following its own natural paths. If we keep taking stuff from the Earth (oil, natural gases, minerals, etc.) and only put back pollution (waste water, chemicals, etc.) we are in for a very rude awakening because I believe that the Earth is under tremendous pressure and will someday shift and try to balance itself resulting in earthquakes, flooding and all of the natural disasters predicted by a whole lot of people unless we start doing something about it - soon. |
Instinct vs. Intellect |
When faced with a problem or a life decision is it better to go with instinct or intellect - intuition/gut feeling vs. logical reasoning? This has always been a challenge for me. On every one of those tests that measure this aspect of personality I am always usually 50-50% give or take 5%. My first impressions of people are always right, it's when I let my head or my heart override them that I get myself into trouble. (I also rarely have "bad" vibes from people, but when I do I am always proven right.) I don't know if this is a natural gift given to all creatures on Earth or a talent I have honed through life's experiences. Yet in some circumstances when I use logical reasoning I am also usually right - unless I stubbornly hold unto something just for the sake of tradition or comfort. But what happens when these two aspects bring me to different conclusions? |
Religion vs. Religion |
I heard the strangest thing on the radio this morning as I was getting ready for work. The Baptists are apologizing and recalling instructional information that they had already sent out that questioned whether Catholics are actually Christians. Now, I'm sorry, but does anyone else find it the slightest bit un-Christian to challenge another Christian religion simply because it does not believe the same way as you do. Isn't God suppose to be the judge of humanity, not other humans? Since when did we as human beings receive the ability from God to be able to judge other humans based upon their spiritual beliefs or any other belief for that matter. Aren't we suppose to love and treat our fellow humans as we ourselves want to be loved and treated? I'm not trying to trash the Baptists because I know people who are Baptists. But it might be time to question your leaders and their own agendas for your belief system. (This could apply to anyone.) |
The New Age |
I believe the human race is changing (or some of it's beings, anyway) and evolving into a more spiritually evolved species. I say spirit, others may say it differently, but I do think our awareness is expanding in ways not previously used. Maybe we're just now learning to access those parts of our brain that make up the 90% scientists say that we humans don't normally use. Whether this is happening because of advances on the spirit, mental or physical plane really doesn't matter as much as the fact that it is happening. Maybe this is the "change" most of the prophets speak of - it is an ending of the old and a beginning of a possibly new way of viewing and experiencing life. Maybe the prophets of yore expressed their understanding of this change in the only ways they could - the doom and gloom that usually presages a great change. I think there will be great change and how we approach it will determine whether we view it as negative or positive. |
Doom & Gloom |
I have had this feeling that we're going through a change for some time now. The earth is changing, humanity is changing - it's like a line is being drawn in the sand. Some see mass destruction, comets, wars, etc. Some see a great human evolution. Maybe it's a little of both, maybe you see what you need to see in order to be prepared. I don't happen to think it's going to be some instantaneous happenstance on a certain time schedule with a certain deadline. Anyone who can see and hear has to know by now that there are changes happening - floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, all the stuff of prophecy are happening right now. I just think it's been a gradual change and will continue to be a gradual change. You can look at a lot of the "future maps" and see a common thread. Before you laugh or shake your head in disbelief - also take a look at the weather pattern changes, the paths of the floods and logically think of how this will affect the land if it keeps happening over and over each and every year. The earth is bound to change - it changes every day in fact. We just don't see it because usually the changes are so gradual - and also because humans keep trying to stop those changes with levees, dams, and other building barriers to keep Mother Nature out of where she wants to go. Newsflash people! She's eventually going to win even if it's piece by piece. I think we as intelligent beings need to start taking a look at how we view the world, how the world is changing and what we can do when the inevitable changes do happen. On the human evolution angle, see what I have to say under The New Age. |
Prophecies & Earth Changes |
Yes, I am one of those people that believes that the Earth is changing. I however do not believe it is on a time limit that can be predicted with absolute certainty. I think each day brings new possibilities for the future and each individuals free will helps to determine their own destiny. But I think if you look at the current state of natures affairs - things are happening that could conceivably fall into a multitude of the prophecies Ive seen and read. Global warming aside, the earths weather patterns are changing (anybody not heard of El Nino by now!?) and this does have an effect upon the earth. Rivers are flooding and changing with each new storm. Earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters seem to be happening with more frequency. Thunderstorms seem to be happening more intensely with more damaging results than ever before. Look at any of the so called "Future Maps" and then compare them to whats been happening. Like it or not there does seem to be a correlation - it just seems to be happening much more slowly than anyone has predicted. |
Can't see the Trees for the Forests? |
One of the first things you learn in science as a child is photosynthesis. Anything green (ie, Trees) takes in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and then gives off oxygen. Is no one else concerned about losing our National Forests, the worlds Rain Forests for anything other than reasons of money? How about for the lessening of our oxygen supply? I cant believe that this has not occurred to anyone else - yet I havent see this used as a reason for saving trees, forests, plants, etc. Take a deep breath, think deep thoughts and consider - no trees=no oxygen=no humans. Get the picture, now! (The same can be said for clean air, clean water, etc. - shall I go on?) |
Our Fellow Travellers |
I am distressed with all of the reports I've read lately about wild, natural animals (horses, wolves) dying while being herded off of their natural habitats and onto wildlife preserves to make way for human (monetary) interests. Although with the way we seem to treat our fellow humans it should probably come as no surprise. Still it's not a legacy we should want to leave coming generations. |
??? |
Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more. - Lubbock (1834-1913)
The way of the Creative works through change and transformation, so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny and comes into permanent accord with the Great Harmony: this is what furthers and what perseveres. - I Ching (B.C. 1150?)
Live neither in the present nor the future, but in the eternal. The giant weed (of evil) cannot flower there; this blot upon existence is wiped out by the very atmosphere of eternal thought. - H.P. Blavatsky (1831-1891)
On a long journey of human life, faith is the best of companions; it is the best refreshment on the journey; and it is the greatest property. - Buddha (B.C. 568-488)
Thinking, understanding, reasoning, willing, call not these Soul! They are its actions, but they are not its essence. - Akhenaton? (c. B.C.E 1375)
As one acts and conducts himself, so does he become. The doer of good becomes good. The doer of evil becomes evil. One becomes virtuous by virtuous action, bad by bad action. - Upanishads (c. B.C. 800)